Tiara's N Tea
Is a tea party Hosted at the Julian Hotel. We had a panel of professional women from all different professional backgrounds come out and tell about their professions and their life story. We wanted the girls to have a physical representation of who and what they could potentially be.
Book Club
We dedicated our winter to a list of 20 books and the goal is to try and get through the list by Spring to win a trip to Buffalo Wild Wings.
We wanted to get the girls familiar with their African American Heritage and traditions. We had a Kwanzaa Celebration where we ate a meal together and learned about the Kwanzaa principles and meanings. Also how they relate to our everyday life.
Tie Blankets
We made blankets to donate to the Women's Shelter, to keep them warm during the winter months.
Black History Month
We will have the girls pick an influential Black women currently or historic to research information and present about them as if they were them.
Mother's Day Brunch
We are currently looking for sponsors and volunteers for our mother's Day Brunch. We would like to allow our girls to show appreciation to the influential women in their life. We are very thankful and grateful to all the women. More Details soon.......
Da Tea Party
We are currently looking for sponsors and volunteers for "Da Tea Party". It's a conference on building Confidence, Health (mental and physical) and career focus.
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